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Each one of you has to be God's microphone

- St Oscar Romero

Our Catholic values and the teaching of Jesus Christ guide us to place loving one another, caring for the marginalised, and working towards a more just society at the heart of our mission.

These values inspire our students to respect each other, excel personally and academically, and strive to be the best they can be. “Bishop Challoner Catholic School serves a diverse community where all are valued, ensuring an excellent sense of welcome and inclusivity.” - Catholic Schools Inspectorate 2023

Part of our Catholic mission is service, we actively engage in charitable initiatives and collaborate with various organisations to support the local community in Tower Hamlets through various volunteering opportunities and charity work.

Recently, we have collaborated with the St Francis Family Centre, the "Know your Onions" project, “Neighbours in Poplar”, and visited elders at Aspen Court Care Home. Our commitment to charity extends beyond the local community, as we have also worked with the Jesuit Refugee Service, and a school in Turkey recovering from the effects of the earthquake.

Through our dedication to charity work and social justice, we aim to raise awareness of global issues and empower our students to be eloquent and stand in solidarity with those who face injustice and hardship.