In addition to completing your Local Authority Application Form you will need to complete our Supplementary Information Form and any relevant additional information.
Click here for details of how to apply through the Tower Hamlets eAdmissions portal
Click here for the eAdmissions website
You can complete the Supplementary Form by:
Filling it in online from 1st September 2024
Obtaining a physical copy form by visiting Main Reception on weekdays from 8:00 to 15:00 or telephoning the school on 0207 791 9500.
Downloading a physical copy from the bottom of this page (from 1st September) and returning it to Main Reception with all relevant documentation.
Please complete your Supplementary Form and return it to the school as soon as possible, with a final deadline of the 31st October 2024. If you are waiting for a Certificate of Catholic Practice you can send the Supplementary Form to the school and forward the Priest’s Reference at a later date. CCP Forms can be collected from your local Parish.