In 2020 the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up lost time after school closure. This is especially important for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds and those disproportionately affected by the pandemic. There is further information about the funding on the website HERE.
How the grant will be spent at Bishop Challoner:
A target group of those most in need of tuition, resources or support will be identified based on mock exam results and internal trackers for work completed during lockdown and via remote learning. Although exam years will be a particular area of focus, this extra programme of support will be available to all students across the school who need it.
- Tuition both online and person will be provided to accommodate all the needs of students.
- Books, resources and additional technology will be purchased to support targeted students
- Improvements to school facilities will be made to support targeted students.
How the effect of this expenditure will be assessed.
Impact will be calculated by measuring the progress of pupils receiving tuition against those that haven’t in whole school exams in February and at the end of the school year. Progress will also be measured against each year group’s calculated improvement based on pre 2019 data.
The impact of the way the funding has been used will be reviewed by SLT and year leaders each September