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Prayer and liturgy are central to our life at Bishop Challoner Catholic School. Every day, students come together to pray for guidance, and peace for their families, friends, local community, and the wider world.


We hold several special celebrations throughout the year, aligned with the Catholic Church calendar, the school calendar, and significant world events. Some recent examples include:

  • Year 7 Open Air Liturgy
  • Whole School Advent Mass
  • Remembrance day
  • All Souls Day Arrangements
  • Ash Wednesday Mass
  • Prayer Service for Peace in the Middle East
  • Prayer Service for Peace in the Ukraine
  • Lent Masses
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Reconciliation
  • End of Year Mass


All these celebrations help students acknowledge Christ’s presence in others and demonstrate a deep sense of faith enabling them to live and pray in fidelity to their commitments. Also, these events encourage students to develop a sense of respect for those of other faiths, religions, and none.