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Earlier this half term, we had the privilege of welcoming internationally acclaimed illustrator Chris Riddell to our school.

Over a long career Chris has illustrated for JK Rowling, Neil Gaiman and countless other books beloved by people of all ages. His instantly recognisable drawings can also be seen in his weekly column in the Guardian newspaper. Over the course of his time with us Chris talked about his life and how he became an illustrator - all the time drawing on a pad connected to a projector to illustrate and illuminate the stories he was telling. This aspect ensured the talk was mesmerising and unforgettable for the young people watching - even more memorable perhaps for the students who had their portraits drawn as Chris was answering questions from them.

A group of students from across the school also had the exiting chance to participate in a workshop with Chris over lunch and benefitted from his feedback on their work and his advice on their technique.

We would like to thank Chris for his time, generosity and kindness and for all of the signed drawings that our students were lucky enough to take home with them.